array( "01" => "Ene.", "02" => "Feb.", "03" => "Mar.", "04" => "Abr.", "05" => "May.", "06" => "Jun.", "07" => "Jul.", "08" => "Ago.", "09" => "Sep.", "10" => "Oct.", "11" => "Nov.", "12" => "Dic."), "en" => array( "01" => "Jan.", "02" => "Feb.", "03" => "Mar.", "04" => "Apr.", "05" => "May", "06" => "Jun.", "07" => "Jul.", "08" => "Aug.", "09" => "Sep.", "10" => "Oct.", "11" => "Nov.", "12" => "Dec."), ); $meses_2 = array( "es" => array( "01" => "Enero", "02" => "Febrero", "03" => "Marzo", "04" => "Abril", "05" => "Mayo", "06" => "Junio", "07" => "Julio", "08" => "Agosto", "09" => "Septiembre", "10" => "Octubre", "11" => "Noviembre", "12" => "Diciembre"), "en" => array( "01" => "January", "02" => "February", "03" => "March", "04" => "April", "05" => "May", "06" => "June", "07" => "July", "08" => "August", "09" => "September", "10" => "October", "11" => "November", "12" => "December"), ); function fechaCorta($fechaBD){ global $meses_1; list($anyo, $mes, $dia) = explode("-", $fechaBD); $fechaCorta = $meses_1["es"][$mes] . substr($anyo, 2); return $fechaCorta; } function fechaLarga($fechaBD){ global $meses_2; list($anyo, $mes, $dia) = explode("-", $fechaBD); $fechaLarga = $dia . " " . $meses_2["es"][$mes] . " " . $anyo; return $fechaLarga; } function quien_soy() { $pattern = "/.*\/(.*\.php).*/"; $query = ""; $pagina = "index.php"; if (preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], $matches)) { //if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) //$query = "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //$pagina = $matches[1] . $query; $pagina = $matches[1]; } return($pagina); } // Convierte la fecha de formato americano a formato español function invierteFecha($fecha) { if (!$fecha) { return(""); } list($anyo, $mes, $dia) = split('[/.-]', $fecha); return("$dia/$mes/$anyo"); } //convierta la fecha de formato español a americano para almacenarla en BD function revierteFecha($fecha) { if (!$fecha) { return(""); } else { list($dia, $mes, $anyo) = split('[/.-]', $fecha); return("$anyo-$mes-$dia"); } } //function que comprueba dos cadenas, si devuelve la que no es vacia function devuelveCadena($cadena, $otra) { $aux = $cadena; $salir = true; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($aux) && $salir; $i++) { if( $aux[$i]<>"" && $aux[$i]<>" " && !ereg("\r",$aux[$i]) && !ereg("\r",$aux[$i]) ) $salir = false; } if ($salir) return $otra; else return $cadena; } function buscaEspacio($cad,$max) { $cad=substr($cad,0,$max); $ult=strrpos($cad," "); return($ult); } function cadBuscaEspacio($cad,$max) { if (strlen($cad)<$max) return($cad); $aux = substr($cad,0,buscaEspacio($cad,$max)); return($aux."..."); } // Envia un email a la dirección indicada con el asunto y texto indicados en los parámetros function enviaEmail($email, $asunto, $texto) { $from = "Repar-rapid "; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\nFrom: $from\n"; //$texto = nl2br($texto); $cuerpo=" Repar-rapid
"; if (is_array($email)){ foreach($email as $key=>$unemail) @mail($unemail,$asunto,$cuerpo,$headers); }else{ @mail($email,$asunto,$cuerpo,$headers); } return(MSG_OK); } ?> A.C. Milan Fantasy Manager 2012

This season you can manage the A.C. Milan Team

The Official game of A.C. Milan

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The Game
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A.C. Milan, the most awarded club in history, launches the first game that combines the classic Manager feature with a real-time Fantasy component. As the official game of A.C. Milan, you can enjoy all of the content specific to the Rossoneri!

Show what you know about football, challenge other players, and make decisions that will determine the day to day life of the best club in the world.

You can also win exclusive prizes that include a trip to meet the players in person, tickets to a game in the San Siro, signed jerseys, and many more.

Click here to learn more about the prizes you can win!

Created by
Tencent Renren Sina